JAV Jeweler's Bench in Yoakum, Texas 1(361) 293-6376


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Retail Formals / Shirt Sizes / Pant Sizes / Glossary

The Etiquettes Of How or When to Wear Your Formals

Formal Evening
After 6 P.M.
(Year Round)
Semi-Formal Evening
After 6 P.M.
(Sept. -May)

Semi-Formal Evening
After 6 P.M.

Before 6 P.M.
(Year Round)

Before 6 P.M.
(Year Round)

Tailcoat (Full Dress)
Formal Separate Dinner Jacket or Tuxedo

Dinner Jacket or Tuxedo

Classic Cutaway

Classic Cutaway or the Tuxedo or Your Choice

Black or Subdued Colors To Coordinate

White, Ivory, Colors

The Color of Your Choice

Grey (Stroller) or Color of Your Choice (Tux)

To Match Coat
To Match or Coordinate with Coat

Black, Matching or Coordinating with Coat

Matching, Coordinating or Classic Stripe (w / Cutaway)

Matching, Coordinating or Classic Stripe

White Pique Waistcoat
Matching or Coordinating

Plain or Matching

Matching or Coordinating

Matching or Coordinating

White Pique Bosom
Pleated or Fancy Bosom in White or Colors

Pleated or Fancy Bosom in White or Colors

Your Choice - Plain or Fancy

Your Choice - Plain or Fancy - White or Colors

White Bow
Black or Matching the Shirt, Vest or Satin Facings.  Patterned or Solid Ascot

Black or Matching the Shirt, Vest, Patterned or Solid Ascot

Color-Coordinated Bow or Striped or Solid Ascot 

Color-Coordinated Bow or Striped or Solid Ascot or Four-In-Hand Tie

White or Pearl Studs and Links
Black, Gold or Jeweled Studs and Links

Black, Gold or Jeweled Studs and Links

Pearl or Jeweled Stickpin with Ascot

Black, Gold or Jeweled Studs and Links

Patent Pumps or Oxfords
Patent Pumps or Oxfords

Patent Pumps or Oxfords

Patent Pumps or Oxfords

Patent Pumps or Oxfords

BLACK TIE INVITED: means tuxedos are preferred, but dark suits are acceptable.
BLACK TIE: Black Tuxedo Jacket, black tuxedo pants,white shirt, black cummerbund and black tie, or matching tie and cummerbund or vest, and formal shoes. (The words "Black Tie" on an invitation connote formality and indicate your must wear a tuxedo).
FULL DRESS: Same as White Tie.  Black tails, black tuxedo pants, white pique wing-tip shirt, white pique vest, white square end pique bowtie and formal shoes.
WHITE TIE: Same as Full Dress. Black tails, black tuxedo pants, white pique wing-tip shirt, white pique vest, white pique bowtie and formal shoes.

Retail Formals / Shirt Sizes / Pant Sizes / Glossary / Top Of This Page

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